Sunday, October 3, 2010

The great reveal

What a ride this has been!  I have not been this busy, happy, and crazy ever all at the same time... Udderly Me is nearing the finish line. I want to take a minute and pretend this is an awards show {you know like the Grammy's or CMA's}.

I want to first thank Justin, my best friend, obviously I could not have done this without you... I would not need a nursing cover if not for you{!}, Thank you for your support mentally and financially.  Thank you for saying "yes" to my crazy antics and playing along.  Thank you for not caring when the house is/was messy. I love you.

Thank you friends/family.  You know who you are.  Thank you for letting me pick your brains, call you a million times, and for your listening ear. Thank you for giving honest criticism and ideas.  Thank you for having babies so that I am not alone.

Thank you models.  Thank you for willingness to share your beauty and time.  I appreciate that you would put on these covers and act like you feel so glam.  I am so grateful to have such gorgeous nice friends - you all were wonderful!

Thank you web designer Devon.  Mr. Devon is fantastically talented.  I first came to him with just an idea. He took my idea and turned it into a functioning company.  Thank you for countless hrs, and thanks to your wife who helped carry my covers during photo shoots while 9 months prego!

And the award goes to.....................
My kids.  The reason I need to cover my back!

If you have not done so already, please go check out

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