I have a confession to make: I never complete a project. There I said it - now Justin can sleep peacefully tonight. I confess that I love hunting for new projects. I have millions of ideas, good intentions, but just cannot see a project through completion. So today we went "treasure hunting" at DI. {Kyle was confused by this, and kept asking where the treasure was!} I found this chair and immediatly fell in love. Picture this: reupholstered in a fantastic black and white bold print, or some other really cute fabric... After some some massive convincing and swearing up and down that I will finish painting the kitchen table that has been in our garage for months, he conceeded. So guess what I have in my garage {along side the kitchen table, and the night stand, and a pile of wood all waiting to be painted} Com'on it was originally $40 but I talked the manager down to $30! Props to me; however, is that bad trying to save a buck at DI? It's like a church organization for heavens sake - although in my defense, with how much I have donated over the years, I should be allowed to walk out with anything I want for free! Anyways. I need help! I was originally going to try to reupholster it, but after looking at how intricate it is, I am thinking about buying a slip cover. If you have any brilliant ideas please do enlighten me!
My goal this month is to complete projects. Although when I finish the table in the garage I will have to sell my current table with the chairs - since it is a set. So then we will have a table but not any chairs. Hence the reason for delaying finishing the table...What a delema.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Bomb Shooter
For months and months Kyle has been talking about a "Bomb Shooter". What is a "Bomb Shooter" one might ask... Well we don't know either! We have tried to humor him for as long as possible, but he has been so insistant on making one. The only thing we could figure was getting him a rocket set to see if that would make sense out of the whole bomb shooter thing. It seems to have worked. Justin and Kyle spent the day yesterday assembling them and this morning we launched them! I must say - we are pretty cool parents!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Viva Las Mexico
We just got back from our much anticipated get-a-way to Mexico! We set sail from San Diego last Monday. {For the record I wish I could give a piece of mind to the engineers who designed the road systen in San Diego. We were 2 blocks from a gas station and couldn't get there... Long story.} Our ship was different than I thought it would be... it was reminicent of an old 80's Las Vegas Casino. Considering how much I Hate Vegas I was so excited for our days off to Cabo San Lucas and Ensinada! I had thought it so fitting that we had a little piggy waiting for us at our room the first night. All to fitting for how much we ate throughout the trip!
Chillin' on bus ride to see the La Bufadora in Ensanada! {We got to see a whale by the shore which was so super cool!}
Cabo was so fun! These pictures can in no way do justice to how funny and cool it was. We decided to go horse back riding... We were told to get on a bus and we would go to a "Ranch" where horses would be waiting for us. After a long ride through town {which was scary} and ride out to middle of no where, this is where they dropped us off. The Ranch...
Meet our tour guide... Did you know that every Native in Cabo that we met happens to have a relative in Utah? I swear that they just pick one town out of every state to memorize so that they will have something in common. The guy who booked our tour knew someone in Layton. This guy was brothers with Jon Stockton.
He led us through the desert which was totally trashed and yucky, to this cool cactus! Great photo opp! As well down to the beach for a quick photo.
Highly recomend "Lover's Beach" in Cabo it was fantastic!

I totally scored in Ensanada! There are two things that people usually shop for in Ensanada - Silver and Leather. I had no intention of buying either, but when I saw this bag I really wanted it! The tour guide showed us how to determine real leather prior to shopping... The bag was $130, I asked if he would do the test to see if it was real. Really hoping it was pleather so that I could get it for $5. Unfortunately it was real {The guy thought I crazy, since I am sure I was the only one looking for pleather. little did he know how cheap I am}. After Justin convinced me it was fine to get it and after some massive haggling, I now have a real leather stinking cute bag!

I totally scored in Ensanada! There are two things that people usually shop for in Ensanada - Silver and Leather. I had no intention of buying either, but when I saw this bag I really wanted it! The tour guide showed us how to determine real leather prior to shopping... The bag was $130, I asked if he would do the test to see if it was real. Really hoping it was pleather so that I could get it for $5. Unfortunately it was real {The guy thought I crazy, since I am sure I was the only one looking for pleather. little did he know how cheap I am}. After Justin convinced me it was fine to get it and after some massive haggling, I now have a real leather stinking cute bag!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Can't wait
This has been a hard week...
But guess what i will be doing in 1 week.
Cruisin' with my man in Mexico sayin' "hola" to every one I meet.
Can't hardly wait...
But guess what i will be doing in 1 week.
Cruisin' with my man in Mexico sayin' "hola" to every one I meet.
Can't hardly wait...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Happy Birthday my angel boy
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The more secure blogging world
If you are reading this than you made it to the "other side"! I had no idea that there are some many of you that have been checking in on my blog, and I am so glad you commented so that we can keep in contact!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
The Spectrum Reports:
Did you wake up this morning and read the local paper while drinking your morning hot chocolate! I love how Braun took the story to the newspaper and it made the top headline! Who knew this guy was so hungry for attention. Luckily the article was well written! I really truly do find this all really funny and entertaining...I love reading all the comments on You Tube. Who knew there were so many idiots in Cedar, as well as the kinder and smarter people! If you weren't entreated this morning you can read it here! (It's really not that full of info, and thankfully not any of the involved officers names are mentioned.)
CEDAR CITY - The Cedar City Police Department is investigating a complaint filed in late November by a local man with video of being allegedly stunned with a Taser twice by police.
Travis Braun, 32, said on Nov. 20, CCPD officers used the Taser on him after he went into a seizure. An officer had pulled him over for not yielding before pulling out of the liquor store, according to the police report.
The police report said Braun failed the sobriety test and blew an alcohol content level of 0.014.
According to the police report, two officers moved Braun onto the grass on the side of the road after he went into a seizure and tried to calm him down, but he began kicking and hitting them.
Braun said he was purposely moved out of view from the camera on the police car dashboard, the video of which he collected and has since put up on YouTube.
Police stated that Braun tried to resist and was told a Taser would be used on him if he continued resisting.
After being stunned, Braun was transported to Valley View Medical Center.
After being treated, he was taken to Iron County Jail. Braun said a barb from the Taser was still lodged in his back when he got to the jail.
Police Chief Bob Allinson said CCPD started looking into it and tried to address his concerns.
In the meantime, Braun got a copy of his police report and the video and then filed an additional complaint Dec. 22 after he watched the video and came to the conclusion that the officers were being unprofessional with him, Allinson said.
When Braun revealed the videos, he said the officers called him names and talked among each other, one saying Braun was fighting back and the other disagreeing.
"We had a complaint made against our department and allegations that we're looking into, and in the meantime, the complainant has been given all the reports and the video of the incident and he has chosen to put it on YouTube," Allinson said.
"Just because he has chosen to do that does not change our investigation and we are looking into the matter to see if any policy violations and procedures problems occurred and we'll take the appropriate action."
Braun has been charged with driving under the influence of marijuana, driving with no insurance, failing to stop when entering a roadway, assault against an officer and marijuana possession.
Braun told police he has been on parole several times as well, according to the police report.
Cedar City Bureau Chief Jennifer Weaver contributed to this story.
CEDAR CITY - The Cedar City Police Department is investigating a complaint filed in late November by a local man with video of being allegedly stunned with a Taser twice by police.
Travis Braun, 32, said on Nov. 20, CCPD officers used the Taser on him after he went into a seizure. An officer had pulled him over for not yielding before pulling out of the liquor store, according to the police report.
The police report said Braun failed the sobriety test and blew an alcohol content level of 0.014.
According to the police report, two officers moved Braun onto the grass on the side of the road after he went into a seizure and tried to calm him down, but he began kicking and hitting them.
Braun said he was purposely moved out of view from the camera on the police car dashboard, the video of which he collected and has since put up on YouTube.
Police stated that Braun tried to resist and was told a Taser would be used on him if he continued resisting.
After being stunned, Braun was transported to Valley View Medical Center.
After being treated, he was taken to Iron County Jail. Braun said a barb from the Taser was still lodged in his back when he got to the jail.
Police Chief Bob Allinson said CCPD started looking into it and tried to address his concerns.
In the meantime, Braun got a copy of his police report and the video and then filed an additional complaint Dec. 22 after he watched the video and came to the conclusion that the officers were being unprofessional with him, Allinson said.
When Braun revealed the videos, he said the officers called him names and talked among each other, one saying Braun was fighting back and the other disagreeing.
"We had a complaint made against our department and allegations that we're looking into, and in the meantime, the complainant has been given all the reports and the video of the incident and he has chosen to put it on YouTube," Allinson said.
"Just because he has chosen to do that does not change our investigation and we are looking into the matter to see if any policy violations and procedures problems occurred and we'll take the appropriate action."
Braun has been charged with driving under the influence of marijuana, driving with no insurance, failing to stop when entering a roadway, assault against an officer and marijuana possession.
Braun told police he has been on parole several times as well, according to the police report.
Cedar City Bureau Chief Jennifer Weaver contributed to this story.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The reason I might
go private is because of this post... So here it goes.
Justin made it on You Tube! Thanks to stupid criminals. A while ago Justin stopped a guy and gave him the breath-alizer test to see if he was drunk. He passed. BUT he was on drugs... So while they are standing there the guy has a seizure. They have no idea if he was faking it or not - they have some medical training, but they ARE NOT doctors, so they really had no idea how to determine if the whole thing is real. They drag him over to grass to assess the situation, then he starts grabing for their guns and tazers and is kicking them and what not... so one of the officers there finally tazes the guy and ends the situation...
Now the guy is taking them to court...in the mean time, he requests the police video and his friend puts it on You Tube for sympathy. NICE
Justin was so proud of his fame that I thought I would give a little shout out to my ever so sexy husband... Actually it was weird seeing him on the job...since obviously I never get to be there.
So you can check it out if you want. It's long, and there is some language (not by Justin).
Justin made it on You Tube! Thanks to stupid criminals. A while ago Justin stopped a guy and gave him the breath-alizer test to see if he was drunk. He passed. BUT he was on drugs... So while they are standing there the guy has a seizure. They have no idea if he was faking it or not - they have some medical training, but they ARE NOT doctors, so they really had no idea how to determine if the whole thing is real. They drag him over to grass to assess the situation, then he starts grabing for their guns and tazers and is kicking them and what not... so one of the officers there finally tazes the guy and ends the situation...
Now the guy is taking them to court...in the mean time, he requests the police video and his friend puts it on You Tube for sympathy. NICE
Justin was so proud of his fame that I thought I would give a little shout out to my ever so sexy husband... Actually it was weird seeing him on the job...since obviously I never get to be there.
So you can check it out if you want. It's long, and there is some language (not by Justin).
Journal purposes
Here is the thing... Not only is my blog for entertainment purposes for family and friends, it also serves as my "sort of" journal {however thanks to Justin buying me a journal for Christmas, I have a place to store my more personal thoughts}. I have a ton of pictures that I have been wanting to post {so bare with me}...
This pic was taken today!! We all ate so much cookie dough, I am sure they are sick with a tummy ache- cuz I am! note: Kyle's "Bow and arrow" around his neck, and Sydney using her toy kitchen roller, don't worry these cookies didn't go out to any neighbors!
Sydney got dressed by herself. Dilligent is what I call her. She went into my closet and this is how she came out. Is there a problem?
After every bath the kids pretend they are turtles. Don't ask...they get it from their dad

Watch out for the ambush...Flying nerf balls and hard marshmallows are on their way.

Kid in a candy shop... he didn't want to smile for the camera, but he couldn't help it because of what he is holding. Nice Purchase...What did you get me???

We have this super cool sledding hill by our house...
Why don't they eat dinner this well?
This pic was taken today!! We all ate so much cookie dough, I am sure they are sick with a tummy ache- cuz I am! note: Kyle's "Bow and arrow" around his neck, and Sydney using her toy kitchen roller, don't worry these cookies didn't go out to any neighbors!
Sydney got dressed by herself. Dilligent is what I call her. She went into my closet and this is how she came out. Is there a problem?
After every bath the kids pretend they are turtles. Don't ask...they get it from their dad
Watch out for the ambush...Flying nerf balls and hard marshmallows are on their way.
Kid in a candy shop... he didn't want to smile for the camera, but he couldn't help it because of what he is holding. Nice Purchase...What did you get me???
We have this super cool sledding hill by our house...
Why don't they eat dinner this well?
Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Today marks five wonderul years!
What an adventurous five it has been...
Here is a highlight from every year:
1st year- We had a horrible wedding day (every thing that could go wrong just about did- but now we have really great stories for our kids), 3 months later we were pregnant.
2nd year- Kyle was born, and Justin left for Iraq
3rd year- Justin came home, we went to Hawaii, Justin left for training in Arizona, Sydney was on her way!
4th year - We bought our first house, Sydney arrived, Justin started his career!
5th year- nothing new, but we are as happy as two bugs in rug!
Justin - Happy Anniversary! I so glad you chased me down and married me... I am so happy. You are a wonderful husband; I feel so blessed. You are incredibly good at everything, smart, funny and extremely hot! You are a total package - IWYINYOBOB

What an adventurous five it has been...
Here is a highlight from every year:
1st year- We had a horrible wedding day (every thing that could go wrong just about did- but now we have really great stories for our kids), 3 months later we were pregnant.
2nd year- Kyle was born, and Justin left for Iraq
3rd year- Justin came home, we went to Hawaii, Justin left for training in Arizona, Sydney was on her way!

4th year - We bought our first house, Sydney arrived, Justin started his career!
5th year- nothing new, but we are as happy as two bugs in rug!
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